Falls - Firefly 2015

Festival Plan: After seeing their performance last Friday, I decided to go see them again.

Relevant Links:
Falls Website
Falls at Firefly 2015 (setlist.fm)*
Google Search: "Falls Simon Melinda"
*Added the songs below on 20150730.

Melinda Kirwin and Simon Rudston-Brown setting up.

Pre-Festival Thoughts:
For full pre-festival thoughts, see my first blog post: Concert 20150619 Falls.

Melinda playing her vintage Hohner Melodica Soprano.

Excellent**: 'Please' [3+], 'Girl That I Love' [2+], 'Home' [2+]
Above Average: 'Hey', 'Into The Fire'
Slightly Above Average: 'Hollywood'

On The Fence: ~
**Songs with 2 or more '+'s are considered 'Excellent'. The number of '+'s are found in brackets.

Pre-Show Thoughts:
I went to listen to them play at the Coffeehouse Stage on Friday and absolutely loved their performance.

Prior to the festival, I was uncertain if I was going to go and listen to Falls play at The Forest Stage or VÉRITÉ at the Porch Stage. However, after hearing Falls on Friday, I was sure I wanted to watch them perform again.

Getting a close-up of Simon's Maton guitar.

-- I came to the Forest stage almost directly after watching Cardiknox
1) Please
2) Girl That I Love
3) Summer

A string quartet accompanies some of the duo's songs.

4) If I Fell (The Beatles cover)
-- they recorded in Omaha, Nebraska
5) Independence Day

-- a story about New York
6) When We Were Young -- there was a "whoaaa" that flowed right through me... a wonderful feeling
-- a story about an woman who was 84 years old... for five years

7) Hollywood
-- Simon tuning, for Australians:
8) Home

-- last song:
9) Into the Fire

Post-Festival Thoughts:
Although their performance at the Forest Stage was practically a repetition of their Coffeehouse set, Falls duo Melinda and Simon was a joy to watch.

In particular, I'd easily watch the same set over and over.

With that being said, there were an additional two songs and some songs were accompanied by a string quartet.

Anyways, I'm really glad this duo performed at Firefly 2015. Furthermore, while Walk the Moon was my favorite both going into and out of the festival, I slowly drifted to listening to more of Falls's music in the weeks that followed the festival.

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