MUNA - MUNA (2022)

Reason for Listening:
I recall starting a Daily Mix playlist on Spotify and opting to instead listen to MUNA's album (which probably had a track on the aforementioned playlist).

Released 20220624.
11 songs. 39:15. MUNA (2022)
First listen.
Second listen.

2: "What I Want"; "Kind of Girl"; "No Idea"; "Anything But Me";
1: "Silk Chiffon" (ft. Phoebe Bridgers); "Runner's High"; "Home By Now"; "Handle Me"; "Solid";
0: "Loose Garment"; "Shooting Star";

This album has some enjoyable beats for dancing and/or working out. They generally differ in sound from "Silk Chiffon". I'm not sure if this is because of Phoebe Bridgers's vocals or if that particular song was produced separately.

Overall Rating: 3.4/5
Favorite Song: "Kind of Girl"

Billboard 200
Peak Date: 20220709 | Peak Position: 188 | Weeks on Chart: 1 | Debut Date: 20220709

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