Jason Mraz - We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. (2008)

Reason for Listening:
My Last.fm Albums Scrobbled (2018).
Scrobbles: 15. Scrobble/Album_Song_Count: 1.25

I have 207 (229) scrobbles for this album (deluxe) from 2009 to 2019.* 152 of the scrobbles are for "I'm Yours" and 19 of the scrobbles are for "Lucky."

"I'm Yours" was ranked 19 on my Top 32 Songs (2018 Edition), ranked 5 (two-way tie) on my Top 32 Songs (2016 Edition), and part of my Top 58 but not Top 26 in 2015 (see Top 32 Songs (2015 Edition)).

Released 20080512.
12 songs. 50:49. We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. (2008)
12+2 songs. 50:49+08:05. We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. (iTunes) (2008)
12 & 12 songs. 50:49 & 56:22. We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. (Deluxe) (2008)

*Computed using the scrobbled tracks for Jason Mraz on Last.fm whose names can be found in the standard and deluxe editions of the album: 207 scrobbles would belong to disc 1 and 22 scrobbles would belong to disc 2. The majority of the 207 scrobbles on disc 1 are from a combination of 91 scrobbles for the album listed as We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things (37, 43, 8, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) and 67 scrobbles for the album listed as We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. (0, 7, 6, 1, 5, 6, 5, 7, 7, 15, 8). In each of those albums, there were 72 and 44 scrobbles for "I'm Yours" while there were 2 and 9 scrobbles for "Lucky." Additional contributions to disc 1 and disc 2 are We Dance. [SINGLE EP] (0 and 8 in 2009), I'm Yours (6 and 1 from 2010 to 2012; 6 for "I'm Yours"; Amazon), We Sing. [SINGLE EP] (0 and 7 from 2009 to 2012), We Sing We Dance We Steal Things (6 and 0 from 2009 to 2010; 6 for "Lucky"), and We Steal Things. [SINGLE EP] (0 and 2 in 2009).

First listen. Deluxe.
~Disc 1~**

4: "I'm Yours";
3: "Lucky";
2: None
1: "Butterfly"; "Coyotes"; "Only Human"; "The Dynamo of Volition";
0: "Make It Mine"; "Live High"; "Details in the Fabric" (ft. James Mirrison); "If It Kills Me"; "A Beautiful Mess";
-1: None
-2: "Love for a Child";

~Disc 2~**
I like parts of this song. I suppose the parts I like are a "2" or a "3" while the parts I don't are a "0." ("Butterfly")
Continue listening at track 20, "The Dynamo of Volition" (From an All Night Session).
Spotify has a song title error writing "From for a Girl in New York Sessions" instead of just "From a Girl in New York Sessions."
Holy crap. That's a nice little rapping section. [I made this comment after hearing the first part. Apparently there's a second and third part.] ("Mudhouse / Gypsy MC" (Live from Amsterdam))

3: "I'm Yours" (*); "Mudhouse / Gypsy MC" (Live from Amsterdam);
2: "Live High" (From an Avocado Salad Session); "Love for a Child" (*); "Man Gave Names to All the Animals" (From the Gospel Collection Sessions);
1: "Make It Mine" (*); "Butterfly" (*); "Only Human" (*); "The Dynamo of Volition" (From an All Night Session); "Coyotes" (From a Girl in New York Sessions);
0: "If It Kills Me" (*); "A Beautiful Mess" (From a Raining Jane Sessions);
*From the Casa Nova Sessions

While listening to the tracks on the second disc, I generally felt more positive about them than their corresponding tracks on the first disc. Perhaps I liked them because they had a more acoustic sound. Or perhaps, as usual, hearing them for a second time allowed some of the lyrics to soak in and therefore I managed to appreciate them more. Note that while some of the rating values are the same, I probably still did like the sound of the track on the second disc more than that of the corresponding track on the first disc.

Overall Rating (Standard)/(Deluxe Disc 1): 3.2/5
Overall Rating (Deluxe Disc 2): 4.6/5
Overall Rating (Deluxe): 4.0/5
Favorite Song (Standard)/(Deluxe Disc 1): "I'm Yours"
Second Favorite Song (Standard)/(Deluxe Disc 1): "Lucky"
Favorite Song (Deluxe Disc 2): "Mudhouse / Gypsy MC" (Live from Amsterdam

**Spotify lists the tracks from 1 to 24 instead of splitting them up as Disc 1 and Disc 2.

Billboard Top 200
Peak Date: 20080530 | Peak Position: 3 | Weeks on Chart: 99

"I'm Yours"
Billboard Hot 100
Peak Date: 20080919 | Peak Position: 6 | Weeks on Chart: 76

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